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Jinzhou Hongda June Safety Education and Training Conference (6)

发布时间:2023-06-10 浏览次数:241次


     A strong physique is the foundation of practical work. In order to deeply implement the spirit of the National Health Conference, care for the physical health of employees, strive to reduce and avoid illness for employees, improve their quality of life, and extend their healthy lifespan, our company held the sixth internal safety education and training meeting on June 8, 2023.



At the meeting, everyone gathered to watch a lecture by Liu Yang, a senior lecturer at the Liaoning Station of the Safety and Health Education Network, titled "" Everyone speaks of safety, everyone knows first aid" An online lecture on the theme. The lecture content is mainly divided into three aspects:

1: Emergency medical rescue knowledge

2: Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

3: Special Action Study on Reasonable Diet, Three Reduction and Three Health, and Reasonable Exercise

     Through this meeting, everyone has a deeper understanding of health, understanding how to prevent the occurrence of various common diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in daily life, learning about medical emergency measures in case of emergencies, as well as knowledge about reasonable diet and exercise and fitness. This has protected the physical health of employees and laid the foundation for high-quality, healthy and sustainable development of enterprises and employees.
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