Has passed ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification



Jinzhou Hongda March Safety Education and Training Conference (1)

发布时间:2023-03-17 浏览次数:150次


     Doing a good job in safety production is not only a basic requirement for the survival and development of enterprises, but also a major issue related to the safety of the lives and property of employees and the masses. To deeply implement the national and company policies; Safety First, Prevention First; Our company held the first internal safety education and training meeting in March 2023 to further enhance employees' safety awareness and vigilance in accordance with the safety production policy.


     In this meeting, we focused on broadcasting some common safety accident cases caused by negligence and lack of safety knowledge in daily life and work, and focused on organizing and broadcasting some typical forklift accident cases. At the end of the meeting, Li Ping, the deputy general manager of the company, and Liu Yan, the person in charge of safety management, once again emphasized some standardized requirements and precautions in safety production, which sounded an alarm for everyone.


     Safe production is more important than Mount Tai. Through this safety education and training meeting, everyone has gained a deeper understanding and understanding of safety production, further promoting our company's safety production work to a new level.

上一篇:Jinzhou Hongda March Safety Education and Training Conference (2) 下一篇:Fire drill